My class and I went on a very interesting field trip to an old tannery building in downtown Kitchener. We got to take a look at Communitech hub, and as we learned, it is the best place to go if you want to become an entrepreneur. Next we took a look at the which is a place where the University of Waterloo students can come to as a space to kickoff their Companies and ideas. Finally, we got to visit the best place in my opinion to work at which is the Google company!!! i was very excited to see the place and they very cool and comfortable environment they offer their employees.

alright! so at first Commuintech hub is a no profit organization that offers companies from all around the world an opportunity to start, grow and succeed. First we got to see really cool walls and weirdly designed halls with many new developed technologies that have just been developed newly. we moved on to the coolest high tech corner called HIVE, which is a half room with a picture of something that looked like Call of Duty but with the help of the 3D glasses, that I got to put on! I got to experience the moment with the characters adjusting as i move with the glasses on. Some of my class mates even got to use the HIV Google earth setup. We also got to see some offices of individual famous companies like Blackberry, Canadian tire Google and many
Next, we visited the Velocity Garage, which we did not get to see much of except desks and wires everywhere with young people coming up with ideas or developing whatever they are capable of developing such as apps as explained. We got a class picture taken and learned from the tourist that the main use of Velocity Garage is to help and give students a place to work and start their company or any project of theirs. I also liked their name because it has Garage in it and as we learned, it came from the people who came up with the idea, started in a garage and the whole place is still made out of an old garage and the cool thing was that the garage doors and vibe was still there.

Finally we got to see my new favorite future ;p work place, Google! I knew that it was cool and a welcoming environment but not that cool! what we saw was beyond amazing and entertaining, from the full staffed kitchen to the basketball court to the resting chairs and beds to the mini kitchens to the "playing" room which is a room filled with many fun equipment for the Google employees to have fun at if they get bored or stressed of too much work, as long as they get it done that is. There was also the famous Google office orange slide, in case they were too tired to go down the stairs :p and countless amazing fun office preparations that are there to mainly invite new employees to Google and KEEP them for as long as they can. What more could you ask for in a work place?

personally I just want the food... it smelled real good but sadly we didn't get to eat any :p but it was still overall the coolest place ever. I would love to go there again (hopefully as a job) and it was a very cool experience for me and my class mates and teacher, so thank you WRDSB for this amazing opportunity you offered us!